OOC: Following along with the end of the tournament story...this picks up where the latest post (DeM date-wise) ends up. "The Fallen Familiar" (Ariath, Darius, Elly, Myaru...et al.) ------------------------------------------------------------ Time: July 16th, V-498 Place: Main Arena, Bledavik Square, and Aveh ------------------------------------------------------------ "Get out of the way!" screamed Ariath, trying to get the attention of Darius. An energy beam was about to hit the center of the stage, and Darius' back was turned. Ariath leaped off the platform, managing to grab a hold of Darius' armor as both men landed with a soft thud against the sand, just a few feet away from where the blast hit. Everywhere around him, chaos was ensuing. The gigantic black Gears that had emerged from the floating object above had begun a shooting rampage, destroying every man or building in sight. Darius was still in complete disarray. His gaze remained on the largest Black Gear, the one with the dark, flowing cape that had landed just in front of him. Ariath, with an emphatic curse, grabbed Darius by the arm and pulled him up. "Snap out of it already. We have to get these people out of here." He glanced over toward where his Gebler guards would have been, except they, like the crowd, were in a panic as well. "What the hell is going on!" Darius cried, still shaken. "Where is Elly and Aishou?" The mention of the latter caused Ariath to momentarily return his attention to Darius, but he knew this was not the time. "Go and look for them, while I try to do something about those Gears." "What? Are you insane? You can't take those Gears on by yourself!" "Of course I can't. Not without my own Gear anyway. But these innocent Lambs will all be killed if we do not do something now. Go find your friends and get out of here." "But..." "Go!" Ariath declared loudly, as energy blasts and the shrieks of those unfortunate enough to be caught in them pervaded in the background. That was enough for Darius. He turned and ran toward the stands, but glanced back to see Ariath running the opposite way. --------------------- -Miang...- Kyouran snarled from within the cockpit of Alpha Weltall. -Why does that bitch have to be here? I know that she knows that Darius is the contact, but she dosen't yet begin to supect the potential within him.- His mind raced for a moment... when Aisu had told him that there was a Diabalos ship approaching, Kyouran had seen it as an almost perfect opportunity to test not only both Darius and Elly, but also Mordon's abomination Ariath as well. But things were beginning to move too quickly now. The situation could get out of hand before he had a chance to react... indeed, in some ways it already had. With an amost imperceptable movment of his hand, Kyouran adjusted the Alpha Weltall's scanners so that he had an excellent view of the collapsed section of the palace, Elanore pinned underneath it. He watched for a moment as Ariath and Darius struggled to free her. Yes, this reaction was true to form from the contact... he would fly into action to save the Anti-type, no matter what the cost may be. But it still wasn't enough. He couldn't tell for certain if the girl was the Anti-type or not. Indecisiveness was never one of Kyouran's faults. There was a gathering of power nearby... Kyouran lowered the Ether web that had made them invisable to the attacking Diablos gears, allowing the large assualt gear to approach them before weaving it tightly shut again. He smiled as the gear stopped, its targeting sensors lashing out and aquiring Miang moments later. Alpha Weltall gestured... the black gear couldn't see him, due to the second web Kyouran had cast around it, and if it could have doubtless it would have attacking Kyouran first. The gesture, as well as the accompanying words, were for Miang's benefit. "This woman has displeased me. Please... entertain her while I deal with a small problem below." Kyouran intoned, making a sweeping gesture towards Tenshi. "In any way you see fit." He didn't even pause long enough to hear Miang's sputter of startlement before dropping Alpha Weltall down towards the arena. ------------------------- The black figure watched as Ariath grabbed several children, racing with them back towards the shelter of a nearby building. "This is useless... the Diabalos forces should not have shown up here." Kyouran snarled, glaring down into the mass of terrified Lambs and the black gears that moved among them like harvesting combines. "Aisu. Faia. Kaze. Daichi. To me!" Kyouran shouted, raising both of Alpha Weltall's arms into the air and dispelling the shield from around him. To the Diabalos gears (and anyone else who happened to be looking in the general area) a massive, black gear simply materialized in the center of the arena. Moments later, four flashes of light leapt from around the arena, coming to rest atop several spires of collapsed rubble nearby, all of them surrounding Alpha Weltall. "This is unexcusable." Faia shouted over the din of battle. "They should not have shown there faces here." "Agreed." Aisu replied. "If this keeps up, they might decide that they are free from our influence." "Then we have no choice..." Kaze began. "...but to cast them back to the pits that spawned them." Daichi finished. "This will cost all of you a large amount of power... are you willing to do this?" Kyouran asked quietly. "Yes Father." Daichi replied. "This must be done." ------------------------------ "Elly! Oh god no...,' Darius cried as he raced toward where she had fallen. Kyoko was on her knees, panting heavily and exhausted from trying to lift the heavy flat weights and debris off of Elly's back. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but upon hearing Darius' voice, she leaped out of her sitting position and rushed over to him. "Darius! Thank god you are here! You have to help me get this thing off Elly!" She cried emphatically, her eyes visibly red and distraught. Darius ran over and knelt down next to Elly and attempted to wake her up. "She's knocked out cold. Oh god I hope she is okay." "Come on, give me a hand," Darius replied as he placed his hands under the flat object. Kyoko ran over to other side and attempted to lift from there. The two of them tried with all their might, but were unable to lift it. "It's too heavy! Her spine will be crushed for sure!" Kyoko cried frantically. "We need another person!" Darius replied, looking around for someone. He was out of luck however, as the people that had not died from the onslaught were rushing to get out of the square and were only interested in getting out with their lives. "We have to try again!" Kyoko called to Darius. Darius turned to her and nodded, at the same time wondering where Aishou and Robert had gone. **I hope they are alive...** Darius and Kyoko, with renewed vigor, were able to raise the weight slightly, but they still did not have enough strength to lift it off of Elanore's back. **Damn, it's too heavy...I can't hold it!** Suddenly, the burden on Darius' arms was lightened, and the flat weight was slowly being raised off of the battered body of Elly. "Ariath!" Darius cried, noticing the man whom he had previously been fighting against, grabbing the other side of the weight where Kyoko was. Together the three of them hoisted the large object, as they grunted and cried as the increasing pain from the burden weighed heavily on them. It was now off Elly's back, but they were unable to move it anywhere else. "Ugh...someone...has to get...Elly...out of ...there," Kyoko said, in between groans. Darius, struggling to maintain his balance, managed to look up and notice the sleek figure of a young girl running toward the three of them. **Aishou!** "Aishou! Hurry and get Elly out from under there!" Aishou knelt down, somewhat reluctantly, but crawled underneath the weight and cradled Elly in her arms. Suddenly, Kyoko's knees buckled under, and she fell, her hands slipping away from the weight. **Oh no!** Darius and Ariath, now the only two holding the object, felt it slipping fast. It was about to fall on top of Aishou and Elly... -------- **No I can't let this happen!** Ariath's muscles strained from the weight. **I can't let this girl die!** He did not know why, nor did he care. Something was telling him this girl must not die. He had to do everything he could. Suddenly he felt something within him awaken. He glowed with a blue aura, his body beginning to increase in mass and expand. Extensions of his glowing body shot forth, latching onto the heavy, flat weight. Several of them served as an extra hand or two, and finally Ariath and Darius were able to move the object away from harm. Ariath, his body returning to normal, felt faint from the sudden expense of energy and collapsed. Darius placed his hands on his knees, gasping for air, while Kyoko and Aishou carefully removed the rest of the debris and rocks off of Elly. "Oh Elly! Please give me a sign. Tell me you are okay!" Kyoko cried hysterically. Darius bent down to examine the fallen girl. He looked frantically for Robert, but he was nowhere to be seen. This was a perfect time for the doctor to disappear, he thought to himself. Ariath finally managed to gather enough energy to stand. For now, the girl is safe, but who knows what injuries she sustained. She needed medical attention, even if it means taking her back to Ganrithor. The clangs of a Black Gear's footsteps snapped him out of his momentary trance. One of those devilish creatures was approaching the group, cannon arms extended and ready to fire. Two more flanked its side, and encircled the sprawled group of warriors. Neither of them had any strength or energy left to run. Ariath made his way to the front, and stood in a defensive stance in front of Elly and the rest. He unsheathed his sword, and grasped it by the hilt tightly. He was still panting heavily and was clearly powerless. **This is crazy! I cannot take on these monsters like this** The Black Gears, meanwhile, locked their guns onto the group... Just when they were about to fire, a flash of Ether filled the area. Ariath looked up to see an image resembling that of an angel, its feathery wings flashing before his eyes. The "angel," a lithe, white and silver Gear, with extended Ether aura in the shape of wings and holding a large, bright blue sword, landed between the Black Gears and Ariath. The Black Gears fired their energy beam, but the smaller Gear created an Ether barricade to shield the blasts. Taking advantage of her speed and agility, the white Gear quickly spun to her right, feign left, and slashed downward with her sword, causing icicles to shoot forth from it. The ice attack took out the right Gear, while she quickly turned around, her sword following her quick spin. The weapon struck the center Gear's midsection, and the wound quickly turned to ice, causing that Gear to topple over. The last Black Gear took a few steps backward and prepared to fire, however its cannons were cut down with one quick stroke by the quicker Gear. It extended one of its arms, and fired an Ether blast that struck right through the Black Gear's torso as it collapsed. The victorious Gear eased into a more relaxed position, as it turned toward the dumbfounded group of Ariath, Darius, Kyoko, and Aishou. "Ariath...get the girl and come with me," came the soft and sensual voice from the angelic Gear. "What? Myaru??" Ariath was shocked. He could not believe that Myaru was piloting that Gear, much less being the one that had saved his life. Nevertheless, he knelt down and picked up Elly, much to the dismay of Darius and Kyoko. "Ariath...what are you doing? Where are you taking her?" Darius asked emphatically. "I am going to save her life...you have done your part." "What? Wait let me come with you," Kyoko cried. Ariath paid no attention to the girl, and with Elly in his arms, he climbed onto Myaru's Gear's hand. "Let's go Myaru...," Ariath said as the white Gear took off, as Darius and Kyoko ran toward them, unable to catch up. ---------------------------- For the first time in five hundred years, a true gate opened on the continent of Ignas. Centered above the arena, it was a void of utter blackness, a hole to a pit of perfect darkness. For a moment, there was... peace. Everything simply stopped, all of the combatants gazing upwards into the gate. Then the wind struck, a howling gale that stripped the bricks off of buildings, carrying them upwards into the gate. The effect was much more pronounced upon the Diabalos gears and ship. From that moment, they rose, either peeled off the ground by some tremendous force, or such upwards by the force of the winds. They were not alone. Hundreds of people who did not have anything to grab onto followed the gears into the gate, as well as several of the defending Aveh and Gebler gears. Their screams stopped the moment they entered the gate, as if they were swallowed by some incrediable, dark force. Four beams of light shot into the heavens, each of them assuming one of the compass points of the true rift. For a moment, it seemed to strugle against the power they exerted. The was one last, final flash, and the gate shrank to a pinprick... And was gone. -------------------------Place: Medical Facilities, Sector 6 of Command Ship Ganrithor ------------------------- Two Gebler medical doctors were examining Elly, lying on an examining table. She was still unconscious, suffering from multiple traumas. Ariath paced back and forth near the doorway, Myaru looked on. "How is she doing?" Myaru asked the two doctors. "Hard to tell. Multiple traumas and fractured bones in ten places, internal bleeding... She was lucky that whatever fell on her was flat, or else it might have been worse, one of the doctor's replied. "We'll try the nanoreactor, but that might not be enough. It is risky." "I will go contact Doctor Mordon...I'll get his advice," Myaru said as she walked past Ariath and out the door. Ariath's eyes had followed Myaru the whole time. They had not spoken since they had returned to the ship, and Ariath was beginning to question Myaru's intents with everything that has happened. **I have to follow her** ----- Myaru entered her private room, believing that she was alone. She reached for the computer and brought up a holographic screen in the center of the room. "Mordon...Mordon, I need your advice," she spoke to the screen. An image of the scientist flickered onto the virtual screen, and finally emerged after a few seconds. Myaru was foolish enough to leave her door open, as Ariath hid behind the wall and crept slowly toward the door to eavesdrop. "Yes Miang...," came Mordon's reply. **Miang??** "Mordon, I suppose you know what is going on here in Aveh." "Yes but this it not the time to discuss that." "You would probably be more interested in what I do have to tell you." "Is that so? Do tell..." "I have her..." "Her?...Elehayym?...Both of them??" "No...just one...Liuna...." "Where is the other one?" Mordon grew increasingly interested, demanding more. Myaru paid no attention to that last question and removed a data crystal from her pocket. "She is injured. Her diagnosis is on this crystal. I will send it to you right now." Myaru placed the crystal into the computer, and uploaded the data to the scientist. Mordon sat silent for a minute or so, as he analyzed the information. "I see...I will relay the information on how to adjust the nanoreactor to the medical room. She should be alright." "That is good to hear," Myaru replied with a smirk. The image of Mordon still showed him looking intensely into his computer screen. Ariath peered over the door, just able to see what Mordon was doing. He had heard the entire conversation, but was unable to make out any meaning. **Both of them?** "This is interesting...I notice some scar tissue on her neck. It is strange...unlike anything I have ever seen," Mordon said as he carefully scanned his monitor. "Either way, you must bring her to me. I need to do a more careful analysis. Myaru nodded and closed the screen as well as the door to her room. ----------------------------- "I trust that you enjoyed yourself with my friend during the battle, dear friend Miang." Kyouran said from the corner. Myaru did not turn, but a small smile crossed her face. He was making a habit of this, appearing out of thin air. "I trust that I utterly ruined your day." For the millionth time, Myaru swallowed her frustration, and flattened her voice, mimicking his dry tone. "Good boy...... I see you've gotten rid of your little pets. It's a shame you weren't man enough to save your Elly though - I would have thought your power greater." There was a creak of leather from behind her as Kyouran tightened one of his gauntleted fists, his knuckles probably turning white inside of the glove. But he remained silent for the moment... an unusual turn of events from Myaru's experience. So why stop there? "Just like before, isn't it?" She smirked, examining her nails as if they were the most important thing in the world. "You always were pathetically weak, -Lacan-. Or didn't Cyrene's knife teach you that lesson?" It wasn't a noise... That should have been her first que. It was closer to the sound that a volcano makes as it prepares to erupt than a growl. Something in the back of Myaru's mind told her to stop while she had the upper hand, to not push things.... But for some reason, she didn't listen. Years of humiliations and torturous deaths at his hand had made an impact on her, and she wanted to return the favor in any form possible. Myaru turned to face the man behind her, eyes sweeping down and up again. She shook her head. "You're nothing more than a glorified demon. Elly will never willingly lay eyes on one such as you --" The room went silent for a moment. Myaru clawed at the black gauntlet that was wrapped around her throat, slowly choking the life out of her. Kyouran's eyes blazed like a pair of brilliant rubies from behind his mask, and his grip continued to tighten as he lifted her off the groud. "Did I not say that her name was far to pure to even pass between your lips, Miang?" Kyouran hissed, glaring at her. She gasped for air, panic rising despite her attempts to calm herself. She half expected to hear her neck snap, but he kept his grip just loose enough to allow a trickle of air into her lungs. So he wanted a response, did he? "Are you truly any better? Your soul is stained as dark as mine......!" So close to death, her senses automatically opened to Zohar's reserves, and the strength of ether seeped into her body. That, at least, would keep her alive...... but only just. "Better?" Kyouran asked softly, his grip tighening again so that she could not respond. Over the roar of her own power, Miang could feel the temperature in the room dropping a few degrees as Kyouran sucked EVERYTHING - light, heat, the power of the modifer - into himself. The madness sitting behind his eyes was barely restrained... she could tell he wanted nothing more than to kill her, right then and there... "At least I do not shroud my hatred in the form of some holy Jihad, or under the pretense of serving some false god. At least I am willing to admit that I am a demon, unlike some of the people in this room, you soul stealing bitch." With an almost casual gesture, he tossed her aside, smiling as she slammed into the bedpost, sending splinters flying from it all over the room. "At least I know I am a monster. That realization give me a chance to redeem myself." he added after another minute. "Something we haven't seen as of yet....." Miang croaked, pushing herself up from the floor and clutching her throat. "Something I don't believe I'll ever see. Nor will -she-, I'm willing to bet." She coughed, hands dropping to her sides. The power of Zohar beckoned, but the thought of using it against him chilled her more than the idea of losing Myaru's body. She could have sworn that Kyouran smiled at her behind his mask. "I doubt that a monster such as youself would ever be able to redeem themselves." Kyouran walked over, and knelt down beside her. "Do you know what this is all about Miang? All of the plotting, the killing, the suffering that you've inflicted on people through the ages?" "More than you, I'll wager." She leaned away, feeling his power draining her again. "Why not just end your own misery, Lacan? You have no place with god, not with Darius walking the earth......" She swallowed a lump in her throat, almost wishing he would end this body's life...... wishing he could end -her- life...... "Heh, you see?" he replied, ignoring her offer. "You have no more place with God than I do, Miang. You want to die, don't you? You want me to snuff your life out forever, is that it?" Kyouran DID smile inside of his mask as she jerked bolt upright, staring at him. "Ah, you do remember how I learned to transmigrate bodies, don't you Miang? A combination of contact with Zohar... and contact with you. "And I learned a great deal about how you transfer between bodies, as well as a little of why." He continued blandly. "I know that God dosen't need you to assist him... if he is so powerful, why can he not gather the elements he needs himself?" One of his black gauntleted hands trailed down the side of her face, stopping in the hollow in the center of her neck. Myaru flinched as she felt a bit of warmth gather at the tip of his finger. "What the hell do you want? You must have a point somewhere in there. It's not like you to ramble." She shied away, pressing her back to the side of the bed. Her skin was beginning to flush from the heat his finger was emitting. Defeat........ Myaru let her shoulders slump. **Fine. Let him think he's won for now......** With an almost lazy motion, Kyouran let his finger drift down towards the collar of her slightly tattered uniform. With an almost casual motion of his hand, he undid the top button on her collar. "Do you remember when we first met, those many years ago Miang? At the ball in Shevat? As I recall, you made me an offer then... what if I felt like taking you up on that offer, eh?" Miang stared at him, feeling the blood drain from her face. "What are you --" She stopped, nearly choking on the words. This was very, very unlike him...... She tried to move back instinctively, but she was already pressed up against the bedpost. Yes, she remembered that offer. She remembered it all too well...... and she was already regretting it with all that was left of her heart. "You wouldn't......" The words came out in a hoarse whisper. "Wouldn't I?" he asked quietly, letting his hand drift down to rest on top of the next button on her uniform. He stopped there. Myaru shuddered slightly as he leaned foward, and whispered into her ear. "Remember that a true demon needs no excuses to rape and pillage my dear Miang. Please do bear that in mind next time you want to taunt me." He stood, and walked across the room. "I do believe that your padamor has arrived. Please do have a nice day." Kyouran said quietly, just as the chime to the room sounded. Miang rose slowly, shaking so hard she had to clutch at the splintered bedpost to remain upright. Revulsion warred with her fear as she slowly backed away from him, never removing her eyes from Kyouran. The very idea of it still shocked her. And he remained standing in the corner, staring at her, his eyes mocking her from behind his demon mask. Perhaps she didn't understand him as well as she thought...... Her back finally hit the wall, and she ran her hand along the door, searching for the scanner that would allow her to open it. Her fingers found the pad and she slammed her palm over it, whirling to face the door and ready to bolt out the minute it opened. It slid open to reveal Ariath, tall and still replendant in his blood-stained crystal armor. But her eyes only rested on him a moment; her need to get out of the room was greater than her need to keep her plans in tact at that moment. But when she tried to slip past him he caught her, his hard expression softening to genuine concern as he took in her appearance, and the condition of her room. "Myaru! What's going on? What happened to you?" His grip tightened when she tried to wrench away, and after a moment she gave up and slumped against his chest. Was she still shivering? **That damn bastard......** Her eyes traveled to the far corner of her room of their own accord. It was empty, of course, and only a faint residue of his power remained. Ariath would never notice it, even with his enhanced senses. **That...... that......** How could she allow him to do this to her? Was she truly that spineless, that afraid of a little pain? But he was different, wasn't he? He knew exactly how to torture her. And he apparently knew exactly what her weaknesses were, as well. That knowledge had given him the upper hand...... but only for now. "Myaru!" She glanced up at Ariath, trying and failing to smooth her expression. She didn't know quite what she looked like, but it must have been bad...... "It...... it's nothing to worry about." Her voice shook despite her best efforts. "Tell me!" he demanded, frustration lining his face. "Something happened -- what was it?" Myaru bit her lip. Gods, how she wished she could tell him! His strength was great enough that he might even be able to protect her, should Kyouran follow through on his earlier threat. But telling him would reveal things that she could not allow him to know, things that, if revealed, would ruin her plans and very likely her chance to find the true Anti-type. No, now was not the time! And Kyouran...... he had known that, too. A spark of anger ignited in her mind, burning away what remained of her fear. It wasn't much, but it was all she needed. "Nevermind about me - what about Elly? Is she okay? She's more important at the moment." Ariath held her gaze for a few moments before answering. "They have already taken her back to the palace. She's probably in her room now." He raised one of his hands, letting his fingers trace the same path that Kyouran's had, down to the collar of her uniform. She shivered. "How did this happpen? Not from running into that bedpost, I imagine." Of course -- how could he miss that? He was far from stupid, after all. But what was he talking about? Her puzzlment was likely clear on her face, because he took her by the shoulders and led her just inside the room, turning her to face a tall mirror mounted on the wall. "This......? What is it?" he asked gently. She blinked. Her cheek, her neck, even her fingers, were all tinged red, as if she had been slapped or perhaps sunburned. The marks of Kyouran's fingers stood out in darker bruises at the sides of her neck. Myaru forced herself to shrug, finally feeling the soreness those wounds emitted. "I was jostled a bit while I fought those gears, and I can't say it wasn't enough to cause this......" She turned away from the mirror and back to the door, drawing him along. "I'm surprised I didn't notice it until now!" She pulled him out the door, keying the lock and letting it close behind them. He was staring at her silently, and she got the feeling he only half-believed what she was telling him. Well, too bad. It was all she was going to say, at the moment. "Come on -- I want to be there when Elly wakes up. Besides, she'll want to see a few friendly faces, don't you think?" She pulled him along before he could respond, not daring to look back. It wouldn't do to make her lies obvious. And after coming so close to the edge...... she didn't think she could take anything more. Not today. But there was always tomorrow. ... Kyouran watched as Myaru and Ariath left the room... probably going to check up on 'Elly'. That was the main problem with this cloaking shield... it muffled almost all of the sound moving through it. Myaru had been rather distrubed... that elicited a small smile. It was always good to be unpredictable to one's enemies. He wouldn't have done anything to Miang, his skin crawled simple from being in her presence for this long, but if she was off balance next time they met... Kyouran walked across the room, and pulled a pair of rolled pieces of parchment from beneath his robe. He tossed both of them on the bed, before he turned and also walked from the room. The first was a caracture that he had drawn for Miang... the second was a gift for Ariath. The man HAD saved 'Elly', and Kyouran owed him that. ------------------------------------------"The Fallen Familiar" (Ariath, Darius, Elly, Myaru...et al.) By: Hobbes, Rune Grey, and Amber Michelle Stand tall and shake the heavens...... Xenogears ------------------------------------------ |